Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26, 2014
What an amazingly, breathtakingly, beautiful summer week we've had!  Blue skys, warm weather, lovely breeze - this week is exactly why summer is my absolute favorite.  We piled into the car on Friday morning and drove down to Mattapoisett - we immediately slapped on sunscreen and hit the beach for a short visit before lunch.  Molly and I had the beach to ourselves, while Annie stayed back at the house to try out her new scooter. We grabbed lunch and I took off to get my haircut at Stephen's.  When I got back, the wind had picked up and had gotten a little chilly down at the beach.  Thankfully, Mom and Dad have revived the hot tub!!  The girls loved it and we used it both days we were down in the poi.

We decided to come back after dinner on Saturday because Molly started camp on Monday and they were holding an open house on Sunday afternoon.  I like to have Sundays to get set for the week anyhow.  I got a long run in Sunday morning along the Charles - it was just gorgeous.  Matt took Molly to the Open house and then got his run in afterwards.  We then rendevoused and went to the Y for a swim.  It was busy, but fun and Molly is starting to get more and more confident in the water.  Monday morning arrived and the girls were in daycare/camp and Matt at work.  I had the whole house and day to myself!  I had lofty goals of overhauling the office and several loads of laundry - yeah, that didn't happen.  While I did get a few things done, it was a peaceful and relaxing day.
I went into work on Tuesday - have I mentioned how much I love this summer schedule?? I picked the girls up and we went to the pool - my first solo trip.  It was great!  Molly was such a good listener, as was Annie for the most part.  It was crazy busy though - a lot busier then I expected, but we all had a blast and cooled of despite all the people.

Wednesday afternoon I picked Molly up early from camp and we met Charlotte for ice cream and playground time.  Molls loves fooling around with the camera, and I'm all to happy to oblige.  We had some fun waiting for the Hanselmans.  While it was great to see Rachel and Charlotte, we quickly determined an after camp date isn't the best idea.  Both girls were hot, and whooped from a long day at camp.  At least there weren't tears, just slow moving littles.  We said goodbye to the Hanselmans, picked up Annie, and booked it to the spray park in Waltham to meet Patience and crew.  It was HOT and we needed to cool down - I love that the girls are still into the spray park.  As long as that is the case then we'll keep going for sure.  We got home for dinner and it was quite steamy and humid out.  Matt had turned the AC on in the girls room so we decided to set them up with a picnic in there!  They were so cute.

P and I went out for a sushi girls dinner, while Matt stayed at home with some sleepy girls.  I love that we're still hanging out even though Anne isn't around.  Despite over serving myself, we had a great dinner and a nice walk in the cool evening afterwards.  That bring me to today: Thursday aka yoga day.  I love this day and look forward to it all week!   Doesn't hurt that we shut down the office today for the next three weeks.  Can't WAIT!  Was less the productive at work, but oh well.  Had a great, great class tonight.  Really worked on the core, like really.  I already feel sore as I type this tonight.  Hoping to catch another one of her classes next week as I'll miss Thursday night when we head to the poi for the 4th!  So looking forward to running the Mattapoisett Road Race - finally, after watching people run for so many years.

new resolve

Here I am, a long way from where I started writing here.  I want to try something new - lets hope I can stick to it: once a week, sit down and reflect on the week in the life of Team McDonald.  Time is moving so fast and I don't want to forget - nor do I want my kids to forget their history.  So here goes, June 19, 2014
Things are finally settling down around here.  Its been a very busy June so far. Beginning with Molly's birthday(s): family dinner, big family dinner, friend party at Joey's Playground.  It was a ton of fun, but we were all wiped out.

Tuesday I had a work retreat.  It was, in a word, awful.  The one positive that came out of that is a new resolve to becoming a nurse.  I looked into classes, and I just need the vouchers from Julie and then I can sign up!  I'm going to do this - its the right thing.  I'm terrified, but aren't all things worth doing terrifying?
The day after the retreat, Anne, Patience, and I had a little girls night.  The last one before the Mackay's move.  It was mellow: late lunch at Woodman's, wine and talking back in Cambridge, and early dinner, a walk, and of course more talking.  It was great, though bittersweet.

We went right into Matt's reunion,  and a rainy morning playdate with Jasper, Ava, and James.  Everyone played so nicely together - our last time as a big group :(   The day after the playdate Molly had her recital - she did SO well and was just so proud.  Dance seems to be something she really enjoys and feels proud of.  She can't WAIT for next year.  

Monday we all went to work - Matt and I to BB&N, and the girls to Julie's.  We prepared for our last BBQ with the Mackay's.  It was a time where you just wanted everything to slow down.  The kids were having fun, for the most part, until a tired Molly got upset about her solo act in the hoola hoop play.  That evening was the first time I realized just how much I'm going to miss not only Anne, but Drew and Jasper too.  That little boy is such a sweetheart and I just adore him - I'm sad to miss seeing him become a big brother.  Later that night, Patience came by for a glass (or bottle) of wine as we said our final goodbyes.  It didn't feel as final knowing that I have tickets in hand to see them later this summer, but it was teary and clingy nontheless.

Tuesday was Molly's final dance class, and the parents were invited into the studio to watch and have a little party at the end.  After a rocky start to dance class, Annie settled down to watch Molly and eat a snack.  The girls then performed their recital numbers, thats when something magical happened.  Annie proceeded to stand right in front of Miss Maria and perform the dance along with her - the look on Annie's face was priceless - SO PROUD!  I'm so looking forward to having them both dance next year.

Wednesday was a lovely, hot, summer day.  Patience invited us to the BSC - it was great, really.  I just wish it was in the budget.  The girls were so independent.  We all had a great time, despite Annie showing her new colors as a three and a half year old.  The absolute worst age.  She is trying to assert herself and be independent, and its almost cute as she's so little, but it gets old fast.  Can't wait to have my sweet girl back - hopefully soon.
Today was a decidedly more mellow day.  After a short run this morning, I went into work while Matt hung with the girls and took Annie to her last day of school, which I totally forgot to take a picture of.  While she was at school he took Molly to get our new, much larger TV.  Its great - fits the space quite well.  The world cup has been fun to watch on it :)  Tomorrow we're heading to the beach house.  Its going to be gorgeous - I can't wait!  Just hope its warm enough for the beach.